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Pickled Onion
It took a bit of time (prolly don't need to tell YOU that!), but thanks to some super-sleuthing by Deedeemoe who realized 'dates' may have something to do with the problems, Jeff was finally able to nail down what was plaguing the games on the site!

In a nutshell, one of the updates pushed the dates on the games up to 2016, making it impossible for most members to play--at least until next year!

With that info, Jeff has been able to re-set all the tables and I believe (fingers crossed!), everything should be good to go!

Of course, I'm gonna wait a day or two until we launch into celebration-mode, but I think the worst is over!


And all hail to Deeds and Jeff!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


Pickled Onion
Yee Haw! Clicked on BS and it worked, Then came and read the post! Thank you all for the hard work and for my BS back. LOL


Pickled Onion
That is good news. Unfortunately, cash salad still not working for me.
I'm sure Jeff is still working out the "kinks".


Pickled Onion
Bob is not working lost 89 keno system 6 tickets and I don't know how many spins always let them build up an spin once a week
so still some errors like random draws still same names for days

takes time to fix things everyone

bought 100 system 6 tickets but it shows I have 69 and no spots highlighted like I didn't pick #s but bought tickets
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Pickled Onion
I was really hoping for that celebration. <sigh>

Jeff is aware of these other issues and hopefully they'll be sorted out quickly.

I'm so sorry, everyone. We really ARE trying to get this stuff resolved. :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:


Pickled Onion
Updating the update...

Updating the update...

I just spoke with Jeff and he's still steady trying to sort out what's causing these latest headaches. He's hoping to have some news in the next few hours or so. I'll be sure to keep you guys in the loop! ;)

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