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  1. thomasina

    Anyone need GG's?

    Happy to distribute some GG's
  2. thomasina

    GG Bank not working

    gg bank gg bank Same here since yesterday:wine:
  3. thomasina

    Easter Game / Game Closed

    Colour Colour blue:wine:
  4. thomasina


    Tournaments Tournaments Don't know. Something to do with Thanksgiving? Never mind, looking forward to next week:wine:
  5. thomasina

    I am Officially Deplorable!

    deplorable deplorable Congratulations. Anybody who gets a deplorable from Clinton deserves the highest honour of never having to hear Clinton's braying laugh.
  6. thomasina

    Who wants to give some GG points? Who needs some GG points?

    guggagrooves - guggagrooves - Check your bank good luck:wine:
  7. thomasina


    Scary Of course I thought John would be mentioned right after Greg Norman in President Trump's speech. :wine:
  8. thomasina


    New big scratch icons New big scratch icons Yep, tried to find out what 4 or more will win. Zilch so far.:wine:
  9. thomasina

    Michelle Obama

    Obamas Obamas May they sail off into the Sunset in a community organised golf buggy.:wine:
  10. thomasina

    I missed chat, Damn it...

    hi porrick.. hi porrick.. Check your bank and wishing you the best. :wine:
  11. thomasina

    I tried....

    GG points GG points Why not check your bank again. Good luck:wine:
  12. thomasina


    sweet treats sweet treats Popcorn ball
  13. thomasina

    Help, please.

    gg's gg's check you bank also. Best.:wine:
  14. thomasina

    Random Prize Draws

    I have 476,367 useless Random Draws. Good luck in your quest.:wine:
  15. thomasina

    Random Prize Draws

    Random Draws Random Draws I have 476,367 useless Random Draws. Good luck in your quest.:wine:
  16. thomasina

    GetLucky Mailing, Deedeemoe's Birthday, Sunday is Funday and more!

    empty gg emails empty gg emails I too had a screenfull of empty gl emails. Just deleted them all. I'm sure this will be sorted soon. :wine:
  17. thomasina

    Earthquake tourney

    Earthquake tourno Earthquake tourno Same here. At the start, had to keep pressing auto spin frequently to keep playing. Thinking "Oh Lord, do I have to press Auto Spin 5000 times!!" Now seems to be working normally. :wine:
  18. thomasina

    MONSTER Newsletter - 4/21/2016

    Wekcine back John Wekcine back John Joined GG when you were running it. Tried to locate you once but obviously you were holed up in a cave in the great Aust. outback!! Maybe you can fix the GG Point Jackpot which has 1220 gg points to sinfully for past few days/months/years.:wine:
  19. thomasina


    GG Jackpot draws GG Jackpot draws I have 522,216 pts in GG Pts Jackpot Drawings. Can't access. Just sitting there!:wine: