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  1. pome

    good day all

    have not been here for a long time. so hello
  2. pome

    Big Scratch

    wtg wtg wtg nice one
  3. pome

    Re: Lasting tribute and memorial for my Son and Grandson

    v nice v nice laceysoft
  4. pome

    Trauma Down Under

    you you can come and see me then Vickie
  5. pome

    whats up yall --'-,-'--,--(@

    hi hi Christina welcome to gg land
  6. pome


    wtg wtg wtg nice one Chris
  7. pome

    Thank-you but sad news

    ss ss to here this Anita
  8. pome

    got it

    the newsletter deb and ty for the gls
  9. pome

    A little help, please!

    chek chek yor bank have fun
  10. pome

    bored and no points

    chek chek yor bank have fun and gl
  11. pome

    B.Scratch jackpot..was it u?

    not not not me
  12. pome


    wtg wtg nice one have fun and gl
  13. pome

    Happy Independence Day Americans!!

    dee and dee and Happy Independence Day USA
  14. pome

    Jokes For GG's

    chek chek yor bank cam
  15. pome

    My heart is breaking

    ss ss So very sorry to hear this we r hear for you .laceysoft ...stay strong and take care
  16. pome

    Help please

    chek chek yor bank have fun and gl
  17. pome

    please anyone!!!!!

    chek chek yor bank
  18. pome


    wtg wtg nice win babyspet
  19. pome

    Who wants to give some GG points? Who needs some GG points?

    bhayes bhayes chek yor bank