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Pickled Onion

Kamikaze (Japanese: 神風; literally: "god-wind"; usual translation: "divine wind") is a word of Japanese origin. It comes from the name the Japanese gave to a typhoon that destroyed the Mongol ships in the 13th century and saved the country from invasion. In Western culture, the word kamikaze is used to mean the suicide pilots of the Empire of Japan, and their attacks on the ships of the Allied Powers in the final years of World War II, during which they flew their planes into enemy ships. It has also come to mean other kinds of suicide attack.

Most people in Western culture believe the word kamikaze was the name used by the Japanese military for pilots, but that is not true. Their correct name was tokubetsu kōgeki tai (特別攻撃隊), which literally means "special attack unit." This is usually abbreviated tokkōtai (特攻隊) in a shortened form. The suicide attacks made by Navy pilots were called shinpū tokubetsu kōgeki tai (神風特別攻撃隊, "divine wind special attack units"). The American translators used a different style of pronunciation of the Japanese language by mistake, and read the word shinpū ("divine wind") as kamikaze, as those Japanese characters can be read both ways. The name became well known so, after the war, the Japanese also started using it.

Sheesh. I may as well change my name to 'Siri'! :cry:


I'll Ask you something, Deb

I'll Ask you something, Deb

But, I am sending one more Email about the missing bonuses from two casinos, remember?
Please answer me.

gl n luv 2u2


Pickled Onion
Did you check your email from me yet? I know you have been busy so i didnt want to bother you alot.:cool:

I did see the email and I've sent you a PM (now that you can send and receive PM's!).

And Karen, I haven't forgotten. I have a Skype meeting with our rep tomorrow morning to discuss this.


Thanks Deb

Thanks Deb

I appreciate it, Deb, I sent you a reply also to the Gmail you sent, then I saw this.. I know you'll let me know how it goes with the casino rep; I didn't realize one rep handled both casinos but that makes it easier, right?

Talk to you soon.

gl n luv 2u2


Pickled Onion
My feature get lucky auction win

My feature get lucky auction win

I haven't received my 21 get lucky wins for my redeposit for Slotland on the third. I submitted the email but didn't receive them. Thanks


Now what happened?

Now what happened?

I did see the email and I've sent you a PM (now that you can send and receive PM's!).

And Karen, I haven't forgotten. I have a Skype meeting with our rep tomorrow morning to discuss this.

Hi Deb,
I waited all weekend for you to tell me what your rep said about the missing bonuses I'm still waiting for. I know you said you had a meeting on Friday and this is only Monday, but I have waited several months now. And we are talking about two casinos..
And Yes, I know you have had a lot going on: Engagement, ACI meeting/trip, Moving, Flood, Famine.. So what happened now? LOCUST?? :crazy:


Puhleease let me know something good is going to happen, and I don't mean FGL's LOL In the immortal words from Jerry McGuire: "Show me the money..!"

gl n luv 2u2


I sent you a PM too

I sent you a PM too


I will be sending you a PM, shortly. I would appreciate discussions such as these be private.

I had to send you my PM reply via Hotmail as it was way too long for GGmail.. LOL :crazy:

gl n luv 2u2


LMBAO (laughing my BLIND a$$ off

LMBAO (laughing my BLIND a$$ off

why do we have to login in every time we come here can't remember what to do to stay logged in Thanks Deb

Don't feel bad, Cindy, I don't know how to find my way back into a post in here!!! :confused::confused::confused:

It really was a lot easier in the old forum and I am trying to get with the changing times here. But I swear, I get lost in the "clicking on this and that" so much that I just give up and try later... LOL

I kept clicking on the post at the top of the forum page (Latest Replies) that showed you had replied to the ??? post and i got nothing from you, from today. Then I tried to click on Greedygirl and I got nothing from you to day (get the picture here). Then down the page, again I clicked on the left side which said GREEDYGIRL, thinking this must be it, it is her post, right? BUZZZ! Wrong! Finally, it was the Teeny-Tiny, little, obscure: "???" all the way on the right that opened the magic door.
Phew, are you just as dizzy reading this as I am after running through this maze? LOL And, where is the cheese after all of this?
Well, it is always a pleasure to see you anyway. I hope I find you again next post! LOL

gl n luv 2u2


Pickled Onion
why do we have to login in every time we come here can't remember what to do to stay logged in Thanks Deb

Ok, hopefully I can tackle this in a way that will make sense...

The reason you'll get logged out is due to a period of inactivity on the forum (it was initially set to 15 minutes, but we've changed this to one hour). This is set in such a way to give accurate information at the bottom of the forum homepage as to who's currently online.

When logging in, you can tick the little 'remember me' box, so that all you'll have to do is enter your password.

Hope this helps a bit.

Regarding what Gaz is saying, I'm not entirely certain I understand what she's looking at. Pulling up PM's can be done a couple ways: You can click on the 'notifications' tab at the top right hand corner of the page (it'll flash if you have anything unread) or by clicking the 'Private Message' tab at the top left, just below the header.

Because there seems to be some hesitation with the functions for some of the members, I'll start doing a 'tip of the day' column which will hopefully help members learn more of what can be done around here. :thumbsup:


Pickled Onion
I think she is referring to she can never find the post she quoted on there used to be a spot that you could click mark post read at least that was how I found my way around Casinomeister


Pickled Onion
Question for Deb

Question for Deb

what is the original launch date for GG? when did Byran take it over? how many members currently? Longest member? Oldest members age? how many countries represented by members? :p


Pickled Onion
what is the original launch date for GG? when did Byran take it over? how many members currently? Longest member? Oldest members age? how many countries represented by members? :p

Not sure what month, but GG launched in late 1998.

Bryan took the site over in December, 2010.

We currently have 13,868 members, however, not all are active.

Longest member? Honestly, I haven't measured. ;) Actually, this is a tough question, as the database at GG was destroyed in 2000 and every member had to re-register. I'm guessing veebot, Krystal Kitty and myself are probably among the members who've been here since the get-go, although there are certainly plenty more.

Oldest members age? Good question, and unfortunately, I'm unable to query the database to get that sort of info. I DO know that we have several members in their late 70's, but these days, I don't consider that all that old.

We currently have members from more than 125 countries.

Next question? :confused: