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a GG challenge


Pickled Onion
It is for input from the Admin and mods to give me feed back to make this work and input from anyone with suggestions
If the challenge is allowed your post here will not disqualify you from the challenge
I am willing to give away a number of GGs to 5 people that have not made a post,comment or blog that was more than four or five words in the last year and half or longer. If you have never made an actual post then your chances are better at winning
The amount will vary but will be more than 2000 per person
I am challenging those of you that have never made a post or have not said more then three or four words as a comment
You can post about any subject that is allowed in the GG forum
I am not looking for rants or complaints but actual post that have something to say
The more people that make post the more fun it will be and would add more payout spots
Rules are simple
Must be a post of 250 words or more, doe snot have to be proper English or worry about the .and,
Not a post, comment ,or blog in the last year and a half
one to five word replies are not considered post or comments
will be an honor system you know if you qualify
Something interesting and not whining and complaining
Please give me feed back of why this will not work or what I need to change or add to make this a deal
I am wanting people to start making post we get tired of reading our own
These GGs will come from my personal account and not from GG
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