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Are these things sell-able???


Pickled Onion
Ferie 2015 og ting til salg 191.JPGFerie 2015 og ting til salg 192.JPGFerie 2015 og ting til salg 193.JPGFerie 2015 og ting til salg 194.JPGFerie 2015 og ting til salg 195.JPG

Mind i do not try to sell these plates in here, only seeking advice of what to do with them. A Family member passed away, and in his garage we found these plates with motives from American states and flags. He had them made here in Denmark, of reasons i dont know why, I guess he thougth he could sell them easily. But there are still over 4000 of them. yes you read it right 4000. The shipping to USA will prob. be to expensive. And thats why it gets so difficult to know, what to do with them
any advice is more than welcome
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Pussy Willow
My suggestion....

My suggestion....

I would type the description on ebay and see what comes up and if you find some, check out what they are being sold for. Or just do a search from the information on the back of each plate and see what a search will find for you.

Good luck!



Pussy Willow
.....actually, I checked ebay and I think the EARLIER the "edition" the more valuable.

I see that go from $5 on up, so if you have 4000, you could still make a good bit of change selling them at a dollar each!!!



Pickled Onion
These are beautiful! I would resarch carefully. These could be very valuable. (I watch Antiques Roadshow a lot LOL)
You just never know! Good luck!
Maybe seek out an auction house? Send them some pics?
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Pickled Onion
Ty so much for your input. I have thourght of the Ebay solution, but its all about the cost of sending the items, Its very expensive from Denmark. But i will check it out.
Again ty so much for taking the time

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