I did pretty well hunting for Easter eggs this morning, and have some very pretty eggs in my Easter basket this year.Listed below are all the colors of the eggs I found. Pick your favorite color from my basket post your answer under this thread. (Please, just one color)Each egg color has a prize you can win, either GG points or Get Luckys:[ATTACH]463[/ATTACH]blueyellowpinkpurplegreenturquoiseorangeredI will be back tomorrow to tell you what you won.GAME IS NOW CLOSED: Prizes have been issued as follows: blue=5,000 GG'syellow=6 Feature Get Luckyspink=4,500 GG'spurple=5 Feature Get Luckys green=4,000 GG'sturqoise=2,500 GG'sorange=6,000 GG'sred=3 Feature Get Luckys
I did pretty well hunting for Easter eggs this morning, and have some very pretty eggs in my Easter basket this year.
Listed below are all the colors of the eggs I found.
Pick your favorite color from my basket post your answer under this thread. (Please, just one color)
Each egg color has a prize you can win, either GG points or Get Luckys:
I will be back tomorrow to tell you what you won.
GAME IS NOW CLOSED: Prizes have been issued as follows:
blue=5,000 GG's
yellow=6 Feature Get Luckys
pink=4,500 GG's
purple=5 Feature Get Luckys
green=4,000 GG's
turqoise=2,500 GG's
orange=6,000 GG's
red=3 Feature Get Luckys