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Pickled Onion
So this is shaping up to be one of the strangest, Big Brother casts in quite some time. I can't remember a cast that has more contestants that are so unlikable...and for the most part, boring. There are a couple of bright spots, the biggest being that wacky dentist/seemingly full-time pawn, John. This guy cracks me up every time he appears on the screen--he doesn't even have to speak a word! Then there's Meg and James. Meg is the quirky New Yorker who grew on me (took a minute), with her basic good nature and sense of humor. James is the anomaly, the Asian guy from Texas with the big Southern accent, full of hunting/fishing/good 'ol boys stories. Although I'm not a fan of hunting or good 'ol boys, I can't help but like James...and I'm so glad he wasn't tossed from the house this week.

Which leads to our results...

Four members figured out that Jeff was an idiot. Really, he (nor James) should have been on the block this week, but since he was, it was an easy ousting. The four members getting it right have received their 2,500 GG reward and the other members who participated this week have received a good-will gesture of 250 GG's. :cheers:

Eliminations is now ready to go for next week's picks--be sure to get yours in! :thumbsup:

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