It's crazy! In just a matter of a couple months, I have a new home (albeit a temporary one)...I'm now a business owner...and I have a husband--I'm a wife! There's so much to tell you, but for now, I just want to bask in that warm and fuzzy/giddy feeling and keep things light and happy as long as possible!
To that end, I feel it's fitting to treat our wonderful GoneGambling members with their very own 'wedding reception!' More on this in a moment...
One of my challenges in taking over GoneGambling is my lack of HTML skills. Putting together a lengthy mailing is going to be something akin to digging a tunnel to China--using a spoon to dig! So, because I've become the Queen of Plan B's, I've come up with a temporary solution: You`ll need to go to the GoneGambling forum, find the Newsletters and Mailings section and pull up the most recent thread. Yes, I`m hanging my head in shame, right now.
You'll definitely want to read what's posted--it'll give you some hints about the GG Wedding Reception, along with a very special wedding recap by our very own comedian/wedding crasher, Jimebear. For sure, you'll feel as if you were actually there, joining everyone for the big day...and it's written in a way that only Jimbob, er, Jimebear can pen!
As you’ve already read (either above, or if you’ve received the mailing), you now know that we’re going to be having the first ever, wedding reception at GoneGambling!!! From now through next Friday, you’ll be receiving a daily GetLucky mailing. If that in itself wasn’t enough, each mailing will tell you about what that particular day will bring you!
Now without giving too much away, the only thing I’ll tell you is that you may want to make sure your deposits are in at your favorite casinos. Just sayin’. 
And you’ll also want to dive into Part I of my wedding, as seen in the insane eyes of Jimebear. In this installment, you’ll read about how he managed to get ‘invited’ to the wedding, along with his take on our amazing wedding venue. Tomorrow, there’ll be more for you to read…and photos soon to come!
Now here goes!
Greedy and Joe's Wedding Day
What Happens at Greedy's Wedding, Does NOT stay in Vegas!
Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Greedy-Joe
As I sit here writing, my initial thought is that this is going to be LONG. Afterall, we're talking about the most elaborate, sensational, glamourous event of the century here... Greedy's wedding!!!
There are lots of details to this monstrous matrimonial mayhem, so grab your favorite beverage and relax as I try and give you a glimpse of our own GreedyGirl's Wedding Day (and night).
Now, for those of you who don't know me, I’ve been a GG member since the beginning of time. I'm originally from North Carolina; spent over 30 years in Miami and just recently moved back to North Carolina.
I never thought I would actually go to Greedy's wedding but I desperately needed a break from my care giving duties and I was trying to figure out how and what I could do to accomplish this. Another trip to the flea market to see their newest shipment of livestock? A trip to Charlotte's only Health Spa (or is it really just a high end massage parlor)? No, I needed a REAL get away. I wanted to go to Vegas, Baby and even better, crash Greedy and Joe's Wedding Day!! Well, not really crash but more like a plea to Greedy to please let me come and be a part of the social event of the century!
Note: I met Greedy (and Deeds) about 4 years ago at at a "remote" casino off the mountain backroads "somewhere" in Southern California. It was a brief meeting as it was minutes before the first (and last) "remote" Sunday is Funday “Drunk” chat organized by Greedy and Deeds who DID get sloppy drunk. I'm a church going man and just couldn't stomach such behavior so I left early.
After months of intense, behind the scenes negotiations, Greedy finally caved in and "invited" me to her big day, but on the condition I give her a cut of everything I won at the casinos!
YES! I'm going to Vegas, Baby!
I arrived early on the 29th to check in to the most luxurious, 5 star hotel in Vegas; Encore (next to Wynn).
I couldnt check in right away so I tried to figure out what I could do to kill some time...DUH! Gamble! And wouldn't you know it, I was lucky enough to hit a nice win on my first $20! Enough to pay for my trip completely!! (Shhhhh, don't tell Greedy). What a great start!
Shortly after that, I met up with Deeds and we started to discover all the different kinds of slots at both Encore and Wynn. After watching Deeds plunge her guts out and muttering something about Laurie K advising we play Quick Hits, we had earned enough comps for everyone to eat at the fabulous Wynn BUFFET! I was so glad to finally get to meet Deed's very sweet hubby and her son who would make any parents proud!
Since this newsletter is supposed to be all about Greedy's wedding, I will skip the mouth-watering array of every kind of food and dessert you could think of (except NO GOAT!) so we can get on with THE wedding.
The wedding invitation was intriguing in that it didn't reveal an actual time and location for the wedding. All it said was to be outside Encore at 10:30 a.m. on September 30 and get on the bus and it would take you to the venue. How's that for being intriguing! Soooo Greedy!
We were trying to figure out exactly WHERE (as I've been doing for the past few months), Greedy and Joe were going to get married. It was Vegas, Baby and it was going to be a wedding based on Vegas so it HAS to be at one of the many wedding chapels downtown and for sure at least one Elvis impersonator, right? It's GREEDY who planned this for crissakes!!
Deeds, (who was accompanied by her family) and I, were standing outside Encore as instructed. We wondered if we were in the right area as it was getting late and we hadn't seen a bus. Then Deeds recognized some of the gaming industry movers and shakers gathering around. After all, WE WOULDN'T WANT THE BUS TO LEAVE US, NOW WOULD WE??? (This will be re-visited later, trust me).
Soon, a couple of girls came up to the group and gave us all a sweet card thanking us for attending and MORE instructions about taking pictures and such. Then they gave us each a flower to wear and escorted all of us to "the bus". Oh, not a city bus…no, not a shuttle bus or regular tour or coach bus; no sir-ee....this was a PARTY BUS. To be exact, it was the "Sin City Club Crawl Bus."
It was black all over and at least 80 feet long. It had disco lights and music blaring The Spinners, "Could it be I'm Falling in Love"…and not one, but TWO stripper poles!!!! Soooooo Greedy!
As the party bus embarks on what is going to be an adventure to remember, you can hear the conversations and the topic is still...WHERE ARE WE GOING?? EVERYONE just knew it would be a chapel accompanied by an Elvis impersonator...again, it was Vegas AND Greedy Girl made all the just had to be!!
Sure enough, as the bus approached Downtown and the wedding chapels, it slowed up. We all said "told you so", only to pass the chapels as the bus sped by...that Greedy is a clever one!! So back on the interstate we we were all puzzled and didn't have a clue where we would wind up.
We continued our ride for about 10 more minutes when lo and behold we turned around and headed BACK Downtown...YES! We did guess right! We're heading back to Downtown and the wedding chapel for sure; trying to throw this bunch off the track....soooooo Greedy!
We slowed down, but once again we drove past the chapels. But then we saw this big fenced-in lot with barbed wire twisted around the top. You know, the kind you see surrounding day care centers and prisons? LOOKS like a car junk way…she wouldn't...she couldn't...she didn't.
It was not a CAR junk yard, but instead it was the NEON SIGN Museum!!! We started seeing the gigantic Lucky Lady and Horseshoe signs. This is the place! That Greedy had stumped us all! Of course! It's the PERFECT place for a Vegas wedding! It's the perfect place for GREEDY'S wedding!
Deeds almost lost it as she had always wanted to take a tour of this place! This is where all the old neon signs went to die when they got old and the casinos they advertised had been demolished.
Note: Remember, Greedy planned this wedding at least 6 months ago and the NORMAL temperature for Vegas towards the end of September is a perfect 72 degrees.
Guess what folks, it was NOT a matter of fact, when we got off the bus, it was like hitting a "wall of flames.” It was only 11 AM and the temperature was 102! That's right…summer was still hanging around and fall was put on hold. However you put it, it was HOT! In fact, it was so hot, I could incubate chickens under my armpits; it was so hot, I saw a fire hydrant chasing a dog; it was so hot...(you get the picture).
Part II is coming up tomorrow--I'm certain you'll be standing by in anxious anticipation! Also, tomorrow, will be your first day of the big Wedding Reception, so watch out for what's in store!!! :wine::wine::wine: