It took a bit of time (prolly don't need to tell YOU that!), but thanks to some super-sleuthing by Deedeemoe who realized 'dates' may have something to do with the problems, Jeff was finally able to nail down what was plaguing the games on the site!In a nutshell, one of the updates pushed the dates on the games up to 2016, making it impossible for most members to play--at least until next year!With that info, Jeff has been able to re-set all the tables and I believe (fingers crossed!), everything should be good to go!Of course, I'm gonna wait a day or two until we launch into celebration-mode, but I think the worst is over!Woo-hoo!!!And all hail to Deeds and Jeff!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
It took a bit of time (prolly don't need to tell YOU that!), but thanks to some super-sleuthing by Deedeemoe who realized 'dates' may have something to do with the problems, Jeff was finally able to nail down what was plaguing the games on the site!
In a nutshell, one of the updates pushed the dates on the games up to 2016, making it impossible for most members to play--at least until next year!
With that info, Jeff has been able to re-set all the tables and I believe (fingers crossed!), everything should be good to go!
Of course, I'm gonna wait a day or two until we launch into celebration-mode, but I think the worst is over!
And all hail to Deeds and Jeff!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: