• Hi and welcome to GoneGambling

Hiya DeeDee


Pickled Onion
I wanted to message drone1000 to ask if he would add me to the tourney, but my messaging for private messages doesn't seem to be activated,...wouldn't let me..Have I been bad?? lol :p




Super Moderator
I dunno js, HAVE you been bad??? lmao :D -just kidding!

Gee, I'm not sure why you are having trouble w/ the pm thingy... you sure you are using his full gg name (drone1000)?
If you continue to have trouble let support know... I will be out of town for the next couple days k?
In the meantime, I pm'd drone for you letting him know you want to get in touch w/ him.



Pickled Onion
I wanted to message drone1000 to ask if he would add me to the tourney, but my messaging for private messages doesn't seem to be activated,...wouldn't let me..Have I been bad?? lol :p



Sandie--there was a problem with one of the usergroup settings which was preventing you from sending PM's. Bryan has fixed things up, so you should be good to go. ;)

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