It's been both the most hectic/challenging/EXHAUSTING (!!!) several weeks AND the most amazing time of my life. Here very first post as a married woman!
Over the next several days, you'll be hearing all about everything--from our nightmare move (into an even more nightmarish house!), to everything that went wrong going towards our big day, to the wedding itself. And more!
It's really been incredible, but to be honest, I'm just beyond happy to be home and settling back into some semblance of a routine. Moreover, I'm silly-happy to be diving back into work (never thought you'd hear me say that, didja?).
Yes, there's gonna be a newsletter (tomorrow, Friday--yay!) AND a special 'wedding reception' just for all the GG members! Keep your eyes peeled for the newsletter. I promise, it's gonna be a fun read!
Also, massive apologies for the delay in closing Eliminations, but it's finally settled. Note to self: Don't ever have another huge event at the same time Eliminations is closing! :crazy:
Last but not least, thanks to everyone for a problem-free few weeks around here. That's the best wedding gift I could've had! :wine: