• Hi and welcome to GoneGambling



Pickled Onion
It's time to have a heart-to-heart with everyone. I don't like putting this stuff out there, but yesterday was frustrating and somewhat disappointing in the way some members handled things. I bit my tongue yesterday because firstly, there was too much that had to be done. I could not get side-tracked with worrying about anyone's missing emails or GG's not being banked properly (instead, I felt it was far more important to work with our hosting company and Jeff to RESOLVE the issue). The other reason for biting my tongue was that, I was exhausted--I really didn't want to blow up at anyone. 48 hours of dealing with this with only a few hours sleep here and there had taken a toll.

Without exaggeration, this was genuinely the scariest moment for GoneGambling. Nothing we tried seemed to be working and we were literally down to our last-ditch option. If this did not work, we would be out of any options. Fortunately, with a bit of time and with Jeff's and our hosting company's hard-pressed diligence, things DID finally begin to function again.

So why was this so scary? Because had this not been able to be resolved, it would have meant having to quite literally re-write the entire GoneGambling database. It would have effectively shut us down, as there would be no more Conversions, bank, etc. To re-write the site would cost upwards of a quarter million bucks (which I don't have!), would take the better part of a year to do and we would be without any revenue during this period. In a nutshell, this would have meant that Deedeemoe and Jeff would be out of work...I would pretty much have nothing...and GoneGambling would have become a somewhat fond memory for most members.

If you're wondering why I'm telling you all this it's because while some members were panicking over some GG's (that they were given to begin with--not earned!), POSSIBLE missing Conversions (I say 'possible' because I'm quite certain all have been accounted for), banks not topping off properly--and wanting answers, immediately, Deedeemoe, Jeff, our hosting company and I were all trying whatever possible just to keep this site operational.

When Deedeemoe, our amazing and far-too-unsung folks in Member Support or I ask everyone to be patient, there's a reason for it. In situations like what we experienced over the past few days, we don't always have time to reply, research or even talk amongst ourselves--we're on auto-pilot.

I'm not posting this to make anyone feel guilty or badly. The reason I decided to put this out there is to help our members understand that a little patience can go a very long way. At the end of all this, members received their Conversions, the bank is now working properly and the only iffy-issue outstanding relates to members complaining because they were over-spending their GG's while the trouble existed. To that end, with an emphatic NO, we will not be going back and spending time looking at everyone's GG's. It is up to each individual member to keep an eye on what they're spending--it's your responsibility! Further to this is that I made it clear previously to play at your own risk while these issues were going on. If you decided to ignore this, that's on you.

With all this out of the way (and out of my system), I'd like us to move on and enjoy the rest of the Holidays. Later today, we'll pick back up with Day 10 or GG's Twelve Days of Christmas...the existing Competitions will finally close and a new batch of Comps will be ready to dive into.

Thanks for hearing this out and onward!!! :cheers:


Pickled Onion
Deb some members do not know what it takes to run a site so I am glad you let everyone know and maybe the pressure will not be on everyone including you and Dee and Jeff. A lot of members do know which makes good. I personally thank you for your efforts.

Wishing you and your crew a very safe holiday.
