• Hi and welcome to GoneGambling

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1. Name your MOST favorite GG games in order of preference?  BS, CS, BOB. Get Lucky, Sweepstakes, SW

 2. Name your LEAST favorite GG games in order of preference?  Joker Poker, Racing Aces, Totally Random

 3. Do you deposit and play with online casinos and which country are you from?  Yes, US

 4. Will you be playing to win the CASH prize from Greedygirl?  Not on TR as I can't deposit at casinos sponsoring that game.  I always play the horses so I will continue to.  Who will be sponsoring the Horses?

 5. What amount of GG's or GETLUCKY'S REWARD would entice you to open a NEW account with one of our sponsoring casinos?  50K

 6. To your mind, what can we do that would make the GG site more exciting/fun/comfortable/useful for you?  Fix the Auctions & Random Jackpot and reinstate the surveys (for FGLs),

