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My Answers to Johns Questions.

My Answers to Johns Questions.

1. Name your MOST favorite GG games in order of preference?

    1. Big Scratch (if the jackpot is high enough)

    2. Stormy Weather (if the jackpot is high enough)

    3. Totally Random Slot (if the jackpot is high enough)

    4. Keno (when working)

    5. Dice (if the jackpot is high enough)

    6. Jackpot Joker Poker.

2. Name your LEAST favorite GG games in order of preference?

    1. Racing Aces (since it changed and doesn't have the jackpot on it anymore.)

    2. Cash Salad (only because i dont play at the casinos)

    3. Horse Racing

    4. Boom or Bust (not willing to hit a bankrupt with the amount that I have)

    5. Advance (Jackpots not worth playing)

3. Do you deposit and play with online casinos and which country are you from?

    1. I have deposited in the past but not anymore. Cant afford it.

    2. I am in the USA

4. Will you be playing to win the CASH prize from Greedygirl?

    1. Probably not (unless...See #6)

5. What amount of GG's or GETLUCKY'S REWARD would entice you to open a NEW account with one of our sponsoring casinos?

    1. No amount of GGs or GLs will entice me (I have more than enough GGs)

6. To your mind, what can we do that would make the GG site more exciting/fun/comfortable/useful for you?

    1. Have the jackpots on the games start at a minimum worth playing.

    2. Add more and Exciting games cause these are getting a little old.

    3. Allow non casino players/depositers have a chance to win real cash as well, say maybe $50 or $100.(If I won cash and i                    

       received it I would me more likely to maybe open an acct with a sponsor or renew a few that I already have.

    4. Fix all the things that are broken.
