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My wife has decided that I should decide what to get all of the kids and grand kids for Christmas this year

I told that is not a good idea .

I will buy for the sons and the older grandsons and she needs to purchase for all the DIL and granddaughters and the little ones

OH NO! You are going to do it this year ,I have been doing it all these years it is time you help

I knew this was not going to end well

I do not buy clothes for Christmas or birthdays period. Clothes for for sick days, and other times

 Kept putting off as long as I could  and her nagging at me everyday to buy something

Is there a limit you want me to spend on each one, is there anything special you want

 me to buy ?

It does not matter just get busy and get them gifts.

Well ok , will get it done

 The packages arrive and well let me say this is my last year buying gifts for the girls

and maybe the sons for that matter

 I have good control on spending unless it snows. If it snows ,it does not matter of it is

one snow flake or a snow storm, I go buying crazy. It is like an addiction .I start buying and buy till

I drop.

Well, it snowed.

 I purchased battery jump starters, jumper cables, Antique guns, remote control cars, teething rings and a music

toy for the youngest great one

I set down and count every item and yep, everyone is covered

I poke my chest out with pride and stroll in to the kitchen and tell her come look all the gifts are in

 I am really proud of me

 She comes in the living room and starts looking thru boxes picking up this then that and putting it down

I am leaned back in my recliner all proud  of how I showed her I could get it done

Suddenly this shadow appears from the side and I look up

 The wife  is standing there looking down and glaring at me. She looks at me thru those hard cold eyes and says " You purchased all of this for the boys and yet, you have not purchased one thing for the girls."

I set there not knowing what to say.

  I really messed up when I told her all of this is for the girls and grandkids  .It was the boys I have not gotten yet

 Her nostrils flare and she starts turning red and her eyes start to narrow into small slits.

 With tight lips she get s out " WHAT ? Do you mean you do not have the boys gifts ?"

No, I still have to go pick those up

Are you telling me you purchased this stuff for the DIL's and the grandaughters ?

Yes, I did .I think they are neat gifts and can use them

 She is still ranting and raving

 If she is mad now she will really be bent when she sees the bill for those guns and all the other stuff I purchased

 She has a credit card that she uses for nothing but emergencies

I charged everything on it

She will quickly get over it when she sees the smiles and hears the laughter ring out thru the house as gifts are opened

and she hears the just what I needed come out.

Her face will light up ,her cheeks turn into a glow and tears will appear in her eyes.

She will stand at the door and admire all the fun everyone is having and hearing all the laughter coming from each person

After 49 years and 10 months she knows not put me in charge of anything

May all of you have a big Christmas and it be filled with the sounds of laughter and fun

It is never the gift that matters it is the love and thought put into it that loved ones see
