I know exactly WHO you are talking about Drone. I reject them rigth away, when they try to sign up for my team. I will rather be on a team with ony 3 members, than to let some one in, that annoys the heck of me. I have had this member on my team before, I kept writing the member, if it would start to play. I was then "blackmailed" to pay gg's. I paid 9999 gg's the member took a few spins, and we lost out of the tourney. Tried that a couple of times, now i play hard, i will NEVER have players like this on my team Again. They straigth out pisses me of. I think we have an obligation to learn these players, that we will not accept this kind of behavier, since they don not selve undefstand how to treat other members. Just dont take them on you team. NEVER EVER. Do as Dee said, advertice for another member.Lars:cheers::cheers::cheers:
I know exactly WHO you are talking about Drone. I reject them rigth away, when they try to sign up for my team. I will rather be on a team with ony 3 members, than to let some one in, that annoys the heck of me. I have had this member on my team before, I kept writing the member, if it would start to play. I was then "blackmailed" to pay gg's. I paid 9999 gg's the member took a few spins, and we lost out of the tourney. Tried that a couple of times, now i play hard, i will NEVER have players like this on my team Again. They straigth out pisses me of. I think we have an obligation to learn these players, that we will not accept this kind of behavier, since they don not selve undefstand how to treat other members. Just dont take them on you team. NEVER EVER. Do as Dee said, advertice for another member.