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I can honestly say this hasn't been one of my more fun Easter weekends...the problem with the emails made it so that the time I'd hoped to have a break, was pretty limited (my problem--not whining, really).

Now, as the icing on my cake, I received a text message and call from Citibank's fraud unit, questioning if I was attempting to make a purchase at a Walmart in Richland Hill, Texas (I don't even know where Richland Hill is!).

What was the amount of the purchase that the scumbag who counterfeited my card was?

The member who gets it closest without going without going over will win 2,500 GG's.  Get the number exactly (I'll prolly keel over if you do...and you'll then be a suspect in this attempted fraud!) will win 2.5 MILLION GG's!

IMPORTANT!: Only one guess per member (no editing your post, either!) Multiple guesses or post editing will disqualify you. 

I'll close this Competition up in a couple hours.
