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  1. babyspet2

    BOB gave me 222

  2. babyspet2

    Results / Tournaments - Weekend of 12/16

    wtg all winners. congrats kitten and rebecca
  3. babyspet2


    BOB gave me 10,000:cool:
  4. babyspet2

    bob gave me 1999

    he is such a doll.....Merry Christmas Bob:zzz:
  5. babyspet2

    Big Scratch Again!

    Yep hit it again for 19,150 must be my lucky week:confused::cool:
  6. babyspet2

    See KK

    Congrats everyone glglgl:cool:
  7. babyspet2

    Big Scratch

    Yep I hit it,,,,:wine:
  8. babyspet2

    get lucky mailind

    Damn I feel stupid lol :o
  9. babyspet2

    Stprmy Wather

    Yes I did so sorry..NOT ,,lol:cool:
  10. babyspet2

    get lucky mailind

    I have checked everywhere ond no get lucky vouchers pr letters:(:(
  11. babyspet2

    Stprmy Wather

    :cool: Just hit SW fpr 59k plus:D:cool: happy happy... Me!!!!
  12. babyspet2


    WTG mrsb:wine::wine:
  13. babyspet2

    Hello to all!

  14. babyspet2

    Who wants to give some GG points? Who needs some GG points?

    e mrsbuda1 do you still need help for your conversions. Let me know and I will help you :confused:
  15. babyspet2

    Who wants to give some GG points? Who needs some GG points?

    mrsbuda1 do you still need help for your convrtsions. Let me know and I will nelp you :confused:
  16. babyspet2


    Sorry Dee, buthad to hit your bingo for 8030...Hugssssssssss:)
  17. babyspet2

    Results / Tournaments - weekend of 11/25

    WTG winners.....GG Team:wine::wine:
  18. babyspet2

    I couldn't make it to Chat! :(

    Let me know if anymore help needed....