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  1. cambaby2

    Trivia Error

    Hey! I tried to play and it let me answer! but told me i ran out of time lololol
  2. cambaby2

    Trivia Error

    thank you! i wish mine worked! lol
  3. cambaby2

    Trivia Error

    Hello! I havent been able to play trivia for days now. I first got the error when it asked what a fathom was, and when i hit 'A' it took me to this page and everytime i go to play trivia it opens up to the same question, leading me to the same error page I am GG poor and look forward to the...
  4. cambaby2

    Help!!! I am going to be a G........

    Hiya Sweetie, its been awhile, its really good to see you around my friend. I wish I could delete this thread, my heart is broken... a few hours ago she lost the baby :( :( :( I need to just go click and be by myself for awhile- thank you for the gg's. Them suckers better last me because i...
  5. cambaby2

    Help!!! I am going to be a G........

    Sniffle, the 3k just disappeared from my bank! LOL
  6. cambaby2

    Who wants to give some GG points? Who needs some GG points?

    GG broke, I would appreciate any gift, thank you very much!
  7. cambaby2

    Help!!! I am going to be a G........

    ....... GRANDMA!!!!! LOL I can't wait!!!! Hoping for a GG donation to pass the time... hehehehe Thank You!!!
  8. cambaby2

    Who wants to give some GG points? Who needs some GG points?

    I would really really appreciate any gg gift, thank you!
  9. cambaby2

    Jokes For GG's

    Here are more funnies! *Don't forget to donate! LOL... Thank You :)
  10. cambaby2

    Jokes For GG's

    Hello! I am GG broke and bored as hell... I would appreciate any gift- and here are some funnies to say thanks!
  11. cambaby2

    My heart is breaking

    Deb, Your words brought tears to my eyes and my heart weighs so heavy for you... I can not fathom the pain you must be enduring, every mothers worst nightmare. My heart breaks for you sweetie, please know that if you ever need someone to talk to, or vent to, or to just listen, I will be there...
  12. cambaby2

    Who wants to give some GG points? Who needs some GG points?

    Thank you very much tnj1010! If you want to see the GIF, click the link http://gph.is/1UaAmpc Thank you Mrsbudabutt! If you want to see the Gif, click the link http://gph.is/1Y4g3ev
  13. cambaby2

    Who wants to give some GG points? Who needs some GG points?

    Help :) Help :) Hello! Sigh... I am GG broke AGAIN, I'd appreciate any gift.... Thank You!
  14. cambaby2

    Who wants to give some GG points? Who needs some GG points?

    Help! :) Help! :) I am on the begging end again... Id appreciate any gift, thank you!!! Here's a fuuny for ya!
  15. cambaby2

    Who wants to give some GG points? Who needs some GG points?

    I am on the begging end again... Id appreciate any gift, thank you!!! Here's a fuuny for ya!
  16. cambaby2

    Johns back and i'm GG Broke, go figure... lol *wink

    Hello! I would so appreciate any gg donation for this worthy cause,, thank you so very much!
  17. cambaby2

    I may have made my biggest mistake ever...

    That video was a bit depressing.... John has been out of commission way to long, those jokes sucked even for him... Where is the John I used to know?
  18. cambaby2


    Whoever hooked me up... YOU ROCK! THANK YOU!!!