If you can guess my age in Mars years in the next five minutes.
BryanB Master of Onions Staff member Nov 24, 2014 #1 If you can guess my age in Mars years in the next five minutes.
huggles57 Pickled Onion Feb 26, 2015 #3 Seeing this question was asked on 11-24-2014, that must mean time on mars is behind ours, so maybe... 12 years old.
Seeing this question was asked on 11-24-2014, that must mean time on mars is behind ours, so maybe... 12 years old.
BryanB Master of Onions Staff member Feb 26, 2015 #5 :booze: Yeah - you're all too late! I am just about 30 years old - in mars years.
huggles57 Pickled Onion Feb 26, 2015 #6 Well Crud, late or not, you didn't specify mentally or physically