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About Sunday's chat


Super Moderator
I don't know why I had it in my head that this Sunday would be an early chat... I was wrong. Tomorrow's chat will be at the regular time.

Guess what?
I won't be there. I'm gonna be in Viva Las Vegas!
Me and Greedygirl are having a ladies night out and nobody will be able to find us (unless his name is Elvis maybe). If you have a GG emergency it will have to wait until we get back. I will be back Tuesday.

Not to worry though, our resident janitor John has volunteered to host tomorrow's chat. Please don't let him get away with anything and be sure to issue full reports of any wrong-doings on his part.

ps: enter chat at your own risk

See you tuesday,


Pickled Onion
I sent a message to the police department advising of you guys are there. I would be very scared......

Good Luck!!!!!



Fried Onion
Lol Babys... Dee, have loads of fun, since I wasn't able to go on my birthday because of my new job, play a spin for me will ya? Hope it wins big for you lol!

Im not gonna be in chat because family is gathering to celebrate my moms 85th birthday. Have fun everyone!

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