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Asking prayers for my family


Pickled Onion
I am sad to report that one of my brothers has passed away today at 3:30 pm, Central Daylight Time. Dennis Ray (Kessler) Jack requested that his body be donated to science so there is no set time for funeral arrangements. He leaves behind his wife (Sharon Kay White), two daughters, several grandchildren.

Also please say prayers for another brother (Robert Lee Jack) as he begins his journey to the promise land. The prescriptions, oxygen tanks, and treatments have taken a toll on his body and is no longer achieving positive results. He had decided along with his family and physician to let nature take it's course. Please pray that his last days on this earth is a peaceful and stress free.

I am the youngest out of 14 children, with the oldest at 76 years old, and me at 58 have seen five brothers and one sister pass away. The physicians predict that Robert life expectancy is about two months. That will bring a total of seven children out of fourteen gone.

Thanks in advance for all the prayers.

Love everyone

Allen (Dokken)


Pickled Onion
Our thoughts

Our thoughts

Our sincere thoughts are with you and your family
I am from a family of 5 and only have one sister left
I know how hard it is giving up three but seven has to be really tough
May you find strength to make this passing easier and hold onto the ones you still have


Pickled Onion
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. You know they say that the road to healing comes through laughter, and that's what my brother's children, some of our nieces and nephews, (my brother's and sister's didn't participate, because they don't have facebook pages), and my kids chatted for a while on facebook. I was able to share with them some of the crazy, funny things that he did when we were growing up as kids.

I got the feeling that they only heard the filtered stories of their father growing up, not the unedited version.

So even though I can't be there physically with the family, I think it was like the next best thing.

And now for my saying.

"Now I conclude, that your wishes go well, sweet be your dreams and your happiness is swell. I'll leave you here for my journey begins, I'm going to be with them again."