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Biggest lottery wins...


Pickled Onion
I think mine is prolly a few hundred bucks in a pick-4. I remember my mom won $1000 on a scratch ticket once (she was shaking!).

I just received an email from a member who also just won $1000 on a scratcher.

What's your biggest win??? :confused:


Pussy Willow
I just have one question, Greedy.....


I purchased a Pick 3 which would pay $500, but the clerk sold me a "str8" ticket, but I wanted to "box" them so they didn't have to be in the exact order. Since it was only a $1, I kept it anyway in addition to getting it boxed.

Not only did the numbers come in, they came in the exact order on the ticket she did in error. So I won $1000 instead of $500.

Honest, truth..I have a witness.



Pickled Onion
Lottery Win

Lottery Win

Hello Deb,

Best win? £80.00 on a pick5 Euromillions lottery ticket. That's about $120.00 US

See me, last of the big spenders here............LMAO!



Pickled Onion
Biggest Lottery win

Biggest Lottery win

I can honestly say I have purchased only two lottery tickets in my life
I gave both of them to the wife
She got 10.00 off of one a 4.00 off the other
She has purchased who knows how many
but two was my limit


Pickled Onion
As much as a hardcore gambler that I am I don't buy lottery tickets. They just don't do it for me. No boiling of the blood so to speak!My parents are so into the buying of the lottery tickets that I just don't get it. And! They have never won more than a few dollars, certainly nothing to write home about thats for sure!