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can anyone help a gal out? i can't drink & i have no other hobbies. sniff


Pickled Onion
alas i am in the red again and i am not beyond begging. i lost a conversion last week because i was stupid enough to enter the wrong deposit date and lost my points., my bad. i will gladly repay the favor or pay it forward when i get some serious pointage again. thank you kindly. i am going nuts with boredom, :crazy: and i would rather be drinking if i wasn't allergic... well that's a lie although i have a bad reaction to alcohol, i tend to forget things. unfortunately, rehab called them blackouts but i called it therapy... go figure! i would love to kick back with a bottle of wine or four or a gallon of rum but that is no longer an option.
sigh, :( i can't even toast the bride and groom but i will still send all my best. in all seriousness, i thank you for the wedding vouchers. congrats and all the best, gg gifts or not. marrying your best friend is a wonderful thing. i miss those days but mine was a dud and i am still trying to trade her in...as soon as she pays for the divorce the lying cheating *#>@xxhOle<. you get the message.
sorry, i got way off topic :eek: . can you say bitter angry bitch? :mad: yup, that's me. to make matters worse, she kept my dog and she ended up getting run over by a car and killed (my dog not the estranged wench). i guess i'm in a sad state of late. i apologize, venting helps keep me a littler bit sane and i haven't been able to talk about it with anyone for a long time. i guess it shows. i suppose i'll go back to watching sleepy hollow! there's nothing like a good horror show to make you feel better!

sincere thanks,
sue aka sushi