• Hi and welcome to GoneGambling

For All The Forum Competition Participants


Pickled Onion
First, thanks for joining in on the Comps!

As promised, there'll be a special, private GG Tournament for all of you who participated. You'll be receiving all the info you'll need for this Tourney, tomorrow.

Keep your eyes peeled on your PM's, tomorrow for all the details!!! :thumbsup:


Pickled Onion
I was only able to do one comp and it was #6. Congrats to all you big winners. But, I done fairly well on the games this weekend and I am happy with that. Can't wait to see what Deb and Dee have up their sleeves that could compete with what they put on already.


Pickled Onion


Hi Deb- looking forward to tournos. About getting the details tomorrow.
Living in the land of Oz I may have already received your message yesterday but then again I could be getting the details the day after tomorrow. On the other hand I could be receiving the details the day after yesterday.Looking forward to tomorrow:wine:


Pickled Onion
Sorry, guys--I had a terrible migraine yesterday, but I'm back to biz.

The stuff will be PM'd to you in a few minutes! :thumbsup: