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Pickled Onion
Hey Dee,

I am in the hospital as of Saturday as I have broke my ankle and have two fractures. It will be awhile before I get to go home but my hubby brought my computer up today. They will be doing surgery the end of the week and putting a IVC filter before the surgery.

Please tell david and team I am so sorry I was unable to finish tourney and I will gladly give them any losses.

Please let them know I need all the prayers I can Get . My ankle is turned sideways and the fractures are split and damn it hurts. I will be here a while so any note 0r card would be gladly appreciated.
I am at Singing River Hospital. Hugs to all.



Super Moderator
Ouch Ouch Oucheeee!!!

So sorry to hear about your broken ankle Vickie.... geeze that's gotta hurt! I was gonna drop you a line to see if you were ok as we missed you in chat on sunday. Don't worry about not being able to finish the tourney, I'm sure your team understands and wishes you well.
Glad your hubby brought your computer to you so you have stuff to do and be entertained while you're in hospital. Hope your ankle heals quickly and doesn't give you too much pain.

Take care hun,


Pickled Onion
Hey Dee,

I am in the hospital as of Saturday as I have broke my ankle and have two fractures. It will be awhile before I get to go home but my hubby brought my computer up today. They will be doing surgery the end of the week and putting a IVC filter before the surgery.

Please tell david and team I am so sorry I was unable to finish tourney and I will gladly give them any losses.

Please let them know I need all the prayers I can Get . My ankle is turned sideways and the fractures are split and damn it hurts. I will be here a while so any note 0r card would be gladly appreciated.
I am at Singing River Hospital. Hugs to all.




Fried Onion
I am so sorry about your ankle! I would love to send you a card or something to help cheer you up.

Or a picture....calvin and hobbes.PNG

Im going to message you for your last name. The hospital you are in looks beautiful...it is the one on denny ave right? Oh girl....dang dang dang... this sucks so bad on all levels! I too am glad hubby brought the puter to the hospital for you. Ill be thinking of you! xxxxxx


Pickled Onion
I am so sorry about your ankle! I would love to send you a card or something to help cheer you up.

Or a picture....View attachment 504

Im going to message you for your last name. The hospital you are in looks beautiful...it is the one on denny ave right? Oh girl....dang dang dang... this sucks so bad on all levels! I too am glad hubby brought the puter to the hospital for you. Ill be thinking of you! xxxxxx

Hi mrsb

It is 3am and I am dying in pain, they just gave me a shot for the pain do hope to see your creature and hang with him a while. Girk this sucks and yes the hospital is on denny avenue. My room faces the pomd in front. Pray hard for me sd this is going to be a loooooong precedd. Hugd to ys....Vickie


Pickled Onion


Hi All

It is 4:30 am and I am up playing at gonegambling:confused: the block has worn totally off an:crazy:d the pain is severe. Just recived a pain shot. Sorry tiook a little nap:zzz: catch ya later.


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