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Hurricane Harvey


Pickled Onion
How's things with you vickie? You and your family ok?

How is everyone doing that lives in the 'zone'?

We are ok so fa:)r. The rain, thunder and lightning has been awful. Right now we today is the first day we have not had rain but they say it will be back sometime later tonight. Others in Jackson County have not been so fortunate. We have flood warnings out as being on the coast in low lying areas we are already having places flooding. OOPS! spoke to quick the rain and wind is back damn. We had a tornado touch down about 10 miles south of us now that was scary as we do not get those. Gautier also had one also. People in mobile homes had lots of damage and roofs damaged. Main roads were flooded. We have had rain since the first of June and the grounds cannot hold a lot of water. They say we will have this weather for the next several days and the rivers already out of their banks. But, we are still lucky compared to Texas which we have family their and in La. I really appreciate you guys checking. My daughter just called and said she has me a new lift chair being delivered today now I have to figure where to put this one. I have been waiting on my oxygen to be delivered as I have been told by my doctor I have emphasema (not sure how to spell it ) lol. Anyway we will take the rain if the bad stuff does not come here. Hope all of you guys and your families are safe. This is why I had to leave chat sunday and missed all the good stuff from John. Hope you had fun with your sister Dee God knows you deserved it.