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Not Doing Well...


About three weeks ago, I started having pains in my upper right abdomen. After a few days, the pain had spread to various parts of my abdomen/pelvis and back. The pain would go from upper right to upper left abdomen. Then to lower right and lower left. Under my arms and down my sides. Same pains also in my back. I gradually lost my appetite to the point that since Monday I have only eaten a small bowl of potato soup, a bite of chicken and a bite of a biscuit. Tuesday, I didn't eat at all. I have fever and chills. I am on very strong pain meds for spinal problems so that helps with the fever but I am getting very weak. I saw the doc Tuesday. Urinalysis was clean. Still haven't heard about the blood work. I also had abdominal/pelvic ultrasounds yesterday and am waiting for those results. I hope they diagnose me soon so I can start treatment.


Super Moderator
oh dear! I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly. I hope the docs get you figured out and on the road to recovery quickly. Sending out best thoughts and wishes to you Vee-


Pussy Willow
Please keep us informed...thinking and praying you will be pain free very soon and you will be up and running before you know it!!



Pickled Onion
thoughts and prayers are with you I hate not knowing what the heck is going on with my body hopefully you will find out quickly


Test Results

Test Results

Thanks for all the support. I got the results of the ultrasounds yesterday. I have cysts on my kidneys. The nurse who called me with the results said it was nothing acute and my bloodwork wasn't available yet. I googled kidney cysts and found that can cause the pain and fevers but with no more info than I got, I don't know if that is the only problem I have. I already have a good kidney specialist that I have been with for about 7 years due to Chronic Kidney Disease so I am glad I won't have to deal with a new doc. The fevers, chills, pains, and loss of appetite are still present which is my biggest concern because I am getting so weak but hopefully something can be done to help with the symptoms.



Pickled Onion
Oh, Vick--I'm so sorry to hear this.

Stay strong--we'll all be thinking positive thoughts for you. Please let us know how you're doing.

Massive big hugs and well-wishes!


Fried Onion
Good thoughts are being sent your way

Good thoughts are being sent your way

Hope you feel better very soon... You may want to try juicing or smoothies if you can eat them. That way you can at least get some nutrition while your waiting to feel better. I know for me it is so hard to eat with no appetite when it would happen. But as we all know without something good going in we have nothing to fuel the good fight:p Do you best and know you are in all our prayers<3


More Test Results

More Test Results

I got the blood tests results yesterday and as I suspected, the kidney cysts are not causing all of my symptoms. My liver enzymes are elevated and I have to go next week for more blood tests and an ultrasound on my liver. The worst part of this is that my breakthrough pain med has Tylenol so I can't use it. I have to get a new script from my pain doctor but that may take awhile so now I am dealing with narcotic withdrawal. It is AWFUL! I do get a little relief when I take my long acting pain drug but when it starts wearing off...ughhh. Thanks to everyone for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to me.



Pickled Onion
sometimes change is needed

sometimes change is needed

Sorry to hear that you are having more issues ,hopefully it will turn around soon
For what it is worth maybe a new doctor would be good for you
In 7 years a lot of new technology has come about
When you have been with the same doctor for years they get in a mode of just doing the same thing every visit
I have seen this with not only my mom and a son but myself as well
It may even be a time to see three or four new doctors
My mom was taking 12 medications at different times of the day some five or six at one time and two here three there
She had the same doctor for 10 years
Fortunately she got mad one day and decide to change doctors .
The fifth one she went to was a hit with her
In a months time he had her down to 4 meds taking all at one time a day
twelve years or so latter when she did pass away she was only taking 6 which was half of what she had been taking
I have changed a couple of times over the years and the car was better
Something else is take all of your meds to a pharmacy talk to the head pharmacist not a kid behind the counter
ask then if the meds are creating problems and are not good taken together and you may need some of them changed
I was on three heart pills went to the pharmacy and found out two of them react severely with each other and you can't take both
Contacted my doctor and had one changed
Doctors just write scripts they have no idea what reacts with what
Hope this will help


Thanks, Doc

Thanks, Doc

Actually, I haven't been with this doctor long and she has reduced some of my meds already. I am still waiting for the results of the additional bloodwork they did yesterday. I have another ultrasound scheduled tomorrow which hopefully will shed some light on the situation.

I am feeling somewhat better and have been able to eat a little. Not a lot but enough to get by. I could stand to lose a few pounds, anyway but I wish it wasn't happening this way...lol! The chills and fever haven't bothered me for the past couple of days so perhaps things are improving.

Thanks to everyone for all of the support.



Actually, I haven't been with this doctor long and she has reduced some of my meds already. I am still waiting for the results of the additional bloodwork they did yesterday. I have another ultrasound scheduled tomorrow which hopefully will shed some light on the situation.

I am feeling somewhat better and have been able to eat a little. Not a lot but enough to get by. I could stand to lose a few pounds, anyway but I wish it wasn't happening this way...lol! The chills and fever haven't bothered me for the past couple of days so perhaps things are improving.

Thanks to everyone for all of the support.


Glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better! And to see things are improving!:cheers::cheers:




The last blood work didn't show any additional problems but my ultrasound was cancelled. My insurance denied another because they did one last week. I am being referred to a GI specialist who will handle this issue from here on out.

Thanks for all of the prayers and good thoughts.



Pickled Onion
More test results

More test results

I got the blood tests results yesterday and as I suspected, the kidney cysts are not causing all of my symptoms. My liver enzymes are elevated and I have to go next week for more blood tests and an ultrasound on my liver. The worst part of this is that my breakthrough pain med has Tylenol so I can't use it. I have to get a new script from my pain doctor but that may take awhile so now I am dealing with narcotic withdrawal. It is AWFUL! I do get a little relief when I take my long acting pain drug but when it starts wearing off...ughhh. Thanks to everyone for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to me.


Thinking of you Vee - you've been through a lot. Give Taz a pat from me. Best to you.




Thinking of you Vee - you've been through a lot. Give Taz a pat from me. Best to you.

Thanks, Thomasina. Taz has been very clingy since I have been sick. I think he senses that something is wrong. He's doesn't go out nearly as much as he did. It is soothing to rub him so he will definitely get a pat from you.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers. I just feel off kilter and will be glad when they get my referral done. It is so strange to have to force myself to eat because I have always had a good appetite except when I am sick. I may have to shop for new clothes once I get better...


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