1st and foremost, get all the games operating...fix what you have then you can add or delete.
2nd..keep your fb page updated, exciting and enticing...I have 3500 friends on fb, most are from countries that can play in the casinos. Advertising on individual fb pages always draws the curious, but if there is nothing recent on it, they will quickly exit without clinking the link. By the there a link here to our fb page? I clicked on Fb and nothing happened.
Create a FB GROUP for Gone Gambling..again, people check out group pages. When people look at another fb friends page they will look at the groups they belong to. I personally skip the like page cause there are usually a bazillion places they like but the group section is easy to check..usually just a few. Members can advertise their game wins or casino wins. direct people to the forum. Im sure there are members here that would moderate the pages (be admin) to the Gone Gambling group.
Create a section for USA members in gone gambling where they can discuss depositing and such, and keep up on current status of UIGA..currently they have to go to a place like CasinoMeister to get this information. Assign a member to moderate this area and keep news articles added and questions answered.(if its too much for DeeDee and Greedy to keep up with lol)
As a USA member I would not be opposed to a fee to purchase Gone Gambling coins, if and when needed, in modest amounts as not to draw out the people that join and then would shake their fists saying "they are just being greedy for coins" (lol a play on your name Greedy) say, enough to cover the cost of providing a pay link and a modest profit. I dont know what the casinos would think of this as they want us to "pay" into the casino, so maybe purchase only once a week in and amounts that could not purchase a conversion..something like that....or only for people not registered at any casinos. dunno. I know that would be a touchy one.
Dont get rid of gifting, it may help a person convert and they have to have clean deposit to use it, and that is the goal true?
Add a link in info page to the help page and member page.
Get rid of all the stuff on the site that is not relevant, outdated , it may make a new member think the site is not maintained.
Invite a participating Casino to blog once a month about their site, new games, ect. Introduce the rep and such. If that is already happening, never mind!
lol, just my 2 cents! Here is to the future of GoneGambling, long may she reign!!