• Hi and welcome to GoneGambling



Super Moderator
Yes Indeed It's Funday !!

Funday means:
  • Boom or Bust can be played every 5 minutes
  • Advance Game is showing 2 cards up
  • Gifting between members has been reset

CHAT later today!
Don't forget to join us for CHAT later on today! CHAT will begin at 6pm EDT and run for 4 hours. Come in and say hello and listen to the latest gossip.
To find the Chat room just click the 'Chat' button on the black menu bar that runs across the top of the page.

For those of you using mobile style devices here's the chat url:


Fried Onion
booo cant make it again.

booo cant make it again.

Im heading back to my parents house to help pack so don't think Ill make it but will try for the tail end! Have fun!


New member
the chat doesn`t work now..( How to fix it? Can I read what was there on the chat? Or it is deleted after the expiration of 4 hours?